Sunday, June 17, 2012

Dysregulation of the Anxiety System & Bipolar

As per usual, I'm trying to focus on work now, but get completely derailed with a thought I feel the need (compulsively) to blog about.

I saw that someone somewhere on a remote part of the globe was reading a post I wrote a while ago postulating that fear was the first emotion to appear on the evolutionary scene. I decided to revisit it. Here's the link:

While rereading the post, I had the thought that bipolar disorder may result from a dysregulation of the anxiety system. Long story short, in depression, we see that prolonged anxiety can lead to chronic sadness (via chronic exposure to cortisol and what I conceptualize as over-use of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis). We can also see that exhilaration and anxiety are quite similar emotions. Combining these two thoughts, perhaps bipolar disorder could arise out of the dysregulation of a primary anxiety system - sometimes leading to chronic sadness and other times leading to chronic exhilaration.

Interestingly, bipolar is pretty hereditary, but like most psychiatric disorders, it is thought to be prompted by none other than stress, perhaps indicating that it stems directly from some a dysregulation of the anxiety system.

I realize that this is being done already, but the fact that stress / anxiety can trigger the onset of disorders might be a signal to look at how anxiety relates to the course of the illness (with the consideration that anxiety could be the ultimate primary emotion). In this case, while stress may trigger bipolar disorder, lack of ability to regulate anxiety may maintain the behavior. While research in which I am involved examines reward sensitivity in bipolar, I'm wondering if a layer beneath reward sensitivity is anxiety sensitivity, being that we're conceptualizing anxiety as the ultimate primary emotion in this post.

I also realize that to say anxiety dysregulation may prompt bipolar disorder because stress prompts the onset utilizes circular reasoning. But circular reasoning notwithstanding (lol), I still think this is interesting to consider anxiety sensitivity as it relates to two separate constructs of bipolar - both onset and course of the illness.

Ok, back to work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with your thoughts on anxiety and bipolar. I have actually pondered the question as to whether or not anxiety is the root of such mental health disorders. Having a family member who is severely bipolar, I have whitnessed her moods first-hand. It all seems to stem from her sensitivity to stressors in her environment.